Managing for Drought: Advances in Groundwater Policy and Recharge Practices
Session Coordinator:
Amy Trainer, JD, Environmental Action Committee of West Marin
Unpacking the California Water Bond and Long-awaited Groundwater Legislation
Tina Cannon Leahy, California State Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife
An Integrated Approach for Enhancing Dry Season Flows in North Coastal California
Joel Monschke, Stillwater Sciences
Instream Flow Objectives for Priority Sacramento Tributaries
Daniel Schultz, State Water Resources Control Board
Creative and Voluntary Solutions to Increasing Flows in the Shasta River Watershed
Lisa Hulette, The Nature Conservancy
Engineered Groundwater Recharge in the Upper Mattole River
Brad Job, Pacific Watershed Associates
California Water Law, Water Transactions for Instream Flow, and New Opportunities to Integrate Surface and Groundwater Accounting
Tom Hicks, JD, Tom Hicks Law