Salmonid Restoration Federation

Dam Removal


2024 Klamath Dam Removal Session, March 28th, 41st Annual Salmonid Restortation Conference

2022 Klamath Fish Passage Summit, October 13, Yreka.


General Resources:


Exploring Dam Removal: A Decision Making Guide, American Rivers and Trout Unlimited.


Klamath Dam Removal Updates:

American Rivers, Klamath Dam news

IFRMP Planning Effort Now Moves into Phase 5. Klamath Basin Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan Last Updated; February 16, 2022

Implementation Plan for the Reintroduction of Anadromous Fishes into the Oregon Portion of the Upper Klamath Basin Prepared by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, The Klamath Tribes. December 2021. Power Point Version/Update from Mark Hereford, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Preparing the Klamath Basin for Dam Removal: A StoryMap Spotlighting Collaborative Efforts to Enhance Fish Passage in the Klamath River Basin in Honor of World Fish Migration Day 2020. Created by the California Fish Passage Forum, Klamath River Renewal Corporation & their Partners

Dam Removal is the Crucial First Step to Restore the Health of the Klamath River. Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Klamath Dam Removal Science Collaboration Workshop 2023- Includes Presentation Recordings and Summary Report Klamath Basin Monitoring Program 


Potter Valley Project:

The Latest Eel River Dams News and Resources, Friends of the Eel River


Six years of fluvial response to a large dam removal on the Carmel River, California, USA. East, A.E., Harrison, L.R., Smith, D.P.,Logan, J.B. & Bond, R.M, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2023.

Assessment of Dam Removal Impacts on the Klamath River. Stillwater Sciences 
Guardians of the River