Validating Effectiveness Monitoring: Part I
Session Coordinators:
Neil Lassettre, Sonoma County Water Agency
Justin Smith, Sonoma County Water Agency
Improving Monitoring: Identifying the Missing Links Between Stream Restoration: From Design to Evaluation
Zan Rubin, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, UC Berkeley
Comparison of Benthic Invertebrate Community Structure and Diet Composition of Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) in Dry Creek, California
Andrea Dockham, Sonoma County Water Agency
Jam ‘in for Salmon: Monitoring Channel Response to Large Wood Placement
Kathleen Morgan, Gualala River Watershed Council
Immediate Fish Response to Stream Habitat Enhancement in the Spawning Reach of a Highly Altered Central Valley Stream
Andrea Fuller, FISHBIO
Broadening the View of “Limiting Factors” vs “Process-based” Restoration Strategies to Maximize Systematic Endangered Species Planning and Recovery in the West
Derek Booth, Cardno
Validating Restoration Design and Implementation Actions at the Upper Junction City Channel Rehabilitation Site, Trinity River, Ca - Embracing Uncertainty and Learning From Progress
David (DJ) Bandrowski, Trinity River Restoration Program, Bureau of Reclamation