Klamath Dam Removal Panel
The final webinar in our restoration series, a panel discussion on the state of the Klamath Dam Removal process, took place on Friday, December 11.
Opening remarks by Josh Saxon, Executive Director, Karuk Tribe
"Regulatory and Technical Processes and Timeline leading to Dam Removal"
Mark Bransom, CEO, Klamath River Renewal Corporation
"Cultural Relevance"
Poppy Ferris-George, Cultural Resources Consulting and Board Member, Klamath River Renewal Corporation
"The Reintroduction of Anadromous Fishes into the Upper Klamath Basin: An Update"
Mark Hereford, Fisheries Reintroduction Coordinator, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
"Protecting Tribal Trust Resources in the Klamath Basin"
Mike Belchik, Sr. Water Policy Analyst, Yurok Tribe
A recording of the webinar is now available on our Vimeo page:
KRRC Resources
Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.klamathrenewal.org/faqs/
Updates: https://www.facebook.com/klamathrenewal
PacifiCorp's Klamath Hydroelectric Project webpage also has a wealth of information starting with relicensing studies from
2004 through material from this year relating to implementation of KHSA measures. https://www.pacificorp.com/energy/hydro/klamath-river.html
A good source of data and reports is the Klamath Basin Monitoring Program at http://www.kbmp.net/
ODFW and Klamath Tribes implementation plan document will be publicly available soon, with a comment period.
You can set up an account with FERC at https://ferconline.ferc.gov/Login.aspx and sign up for notifications.
FERC docket # P-14803-000
Los Angeles Times
"Op-Ed: A victory for salmon, two tribes and the Klamath River"
November 17, 2020