2021 Large Wood Technical Field School
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 to Friday, November 12, 2021
SRF and Trout Unlimited will produced a Large Wood Field School on the Mendocino Coast in November 2022. This two-day field school trained forestry and restoration professionals in both engineered and non-engineered large wood augmentation techniques that have been proven effective in restoring stream habitats on the Northern California coast. Participants will learn how to effectively design and implement large wood restoration projects by learning how to identify geomorphic conditions of a treatment stream and select appropriate implementation methods to achieve desired results.
Presentations included:
Go Big or Go Home
Kristine Pepper, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
An Approach to Assessing Risk of Large Wood Structures
Mike Love, Michael Love and Associates, Inc.
Accelerated Recruitment: Cost-effective Restoration Techniques for Enhancing Instream Habitat
Chris Blencowe and JJ Bruner, Blencowe Watershed Management, Inc.
Wood is Only Part of the Solution, Restoring Fluvial Geomorphic Processes in Disturbed Timberland Watersheds
Thomas H. Leroy, Pacific Watershed Associates
Designing Fundable Non-Engineered Large Wood Projects with the CCCs
Isaac Mikus, Eel River Watershed Improvement Group
Engineered Log Jams for Geomorphic Processes and Habitat Creation in Low Gradient Alluvial Valleys - Overview of Three Projects on the Ten Mile River and Field Trip
Lauren Hammack and Luke Walton, Prunuske Chathum Inc. and Dave Wright, The Nature Conservancy
How big can you go with your LWD structure before you start breaking things?
Rachel Shea, Michael Love and Associates, Inc.
, CA
See map: Google Maps