Reconnecting with Resilience
April 19 - 22, 2022
Seascape Ecology: Growth, Survival, and Foraging in the California Current
22 April 2022
9:00am - 5:00pm
Session Coordinators: Cynthia Le Doux-Bloom, PhD, Cal Poly Humboldt, Department of Fisheries Biology; and Nate Mantua, PhD, NOAA, Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
Although many factors may be responsible for the declines in anadromous salmonid populations, this circumstance is commonly linked to the oceanic and estuarine conditions present during the smolt life cycle phase, which remains unstudied compared to riverine life phases. Upon saltwater entry, salmonids display a wide range of growth and survival rates and display a variety of movement and migratory behaviors, both tied to ocean and estuary productivity which influences the foraging conditions these individuals encounter across space and time.
These sessions will feature innovative and novel studies focused on understanding the ocean and estuary life cycle phase of Pacific salmonids, including: (1). An Overview of Seascape Ecology and Current Events; (2). Movement and Migration; (3). Survival and Growth; and (4). Foraging Conditions influenced by the California Current.
AM Session: Historic Overview, Juvenile Salmon Physiology and Foraging
Twenty-Two Years of Seascape and Salmon studies on the Pacific West Coast,
Nate Mantua, PhD, NOAA Fisheries, SWFSC
Nate Mantua, PhD, NOAA Fisheries, SWFSC
Salinity Tolerance and Smoltification Differences Between Winter, Fall and Spring-Run Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Brood Stocks,
Leah Mellinger, University of California, Davis
Leah Mellinger, University of California, Davis
Climate-Driven Variability in Zooplankton in Coastal Waters off Northern California: A Potential Ecosystem Indicator for Klamath River Chinook Salmon,
Eric Bjorkstedt, PhD, NOAA Fisheries, SWFSC
Eric Bjorkstedt, PhD, NOAA Fisheries, SWFSC
California Current Seascape Influences Juvenile Salmon Foraging Ecology at Multiple Scales,
Megan Sabal, PhD, Oregon State University
Megan Sabal, PhD, Oregon State University
Forage Fish Dynamics and Chinook Salmon Diets,
John Field and Jarrod Santora, PhD, NOAA Fisheries, SWFSC
Thiamine Deficiency in California Salmon: The Ocean is Impacting Freshwater Productivity,
Rachel Johnson, PhD, NOAA Fisheries, SWFSC
PM Session: Nearshore Habitat Variability and Juvenile Salmon Survival and Distribution
An Ecosystem Model Framework to Predict Historical and Future Ocean Conditions Impacting Juvenile Salmon off Central California,
Jerome Fietchter, PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz
Can We Use an Ocean Productivity Model to Estimate Juvenile Salmon Early Ocean Survival?
Mark Henderson, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey
Jerome Fietchter, PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz
Can We Use an Ocean Productivity Model to Estimate Juvenile Salmon Early Ocean Survival?
Mark Henderson, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey
Juvenile Chinook Salmon Growth and Survival after Ocean Entry off Central California: Top-down and Bottom-up Effects in an Individual-Based Model,
Kelly Vasbinder, PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz
Kelly Vasbinder, PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz
Integrating Coded-Wire Tags and Genetic Stock Identification in State-Space Models to Characterize Marine Distributions of California’s Chinook Salmon,
Alexander Jensen, PhD, University of Washington
Alexander Jensen, PhD, University of Washington
Ocean Distribution of West Coast Chinook Salmon Inferred from Coded-Wire-Tags and Genetic Data,
Will Satterthwaite, PhD, NOAA Fisheries, SWFSC
Will Satterthwaite, PhD, NOAA Fisheries, SWFSC
Panel Discussion for AM and PM Sessions