Salmonid Restoration Federation

First Call for 2025 SRF Conference Presentation Abstracts

The 42nd Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference will be held in Santa Rosa, California from March 26-29, 2024. Please visit our conference landing page to see the First Call for Presentation Abstracts.

Please note that the agenda evolves and the Final Call for Abstracts may include additional concurrent sessions and an additional workshop. Proposed session and workshop descriptions are posted. Early abstract submission helps SRF determine which sessions and workshops will be in the final agenda.

SRF’s Call for Abstracts is highly competitive and not all abstracts can be accepted. Presentations that have not been given before at our conference will have priority.

To submit an abstract, please review our submission guidelines. Please fill out this form, then email your abstract to Receipt of your submission will be acknowledged by email and forwarded to the correct session chair.