Salmonid Restoration Federation
April 29 - May 2, 2025
Santa Cruz, California

Room to Roam: Floodplains and the Central Valley

Wiggle, Elevate, Connect: Partitioning the Effects of Increased Aquifer Size, Channel Realignment, and Floodplain Reconnection on Streambed Exchange in a Large Scale Channel Restoration, Byron Amerson, MS, Environmental Science Associates
Challenges and Lessons Learned Designing Floodplain Rearing Habitat on Central Valley Rivers, Paul Frank, P.E., CED, FlowWest
Restored Seasonally Inundated Habitat Supports Juvenile Salmonid Rearing and Growth in California Central Valley Rivers, Kirsten Sellheim, M.S., Cramer Fish Sciences 
Effects of Predator Density on Predation Rates of Juvenile Salmon in Managed Agricultural Floodplains, Peter Aronson, University of California, Davis Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology
Bringing the Floodplain to Life: Big Notch and Multi-Scale Restoration Efforts in the Yolo Bypass, Dennis Finger and Brandy Smith, California Department of Water Resources
Butte Creek Floodplain Reconnection and Channel Restoration, Allen Harthorn, MS, Friends of Butte Creek
Multiple Years of Genetic Monitoring of Central Valley Juvenile Chinook Yields Valuable New Insights into Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Adult Reproductive Success, Jeff Rodzen, PhD, California Department of Fish and Wildlife