Blocked Habitat: Taking a Watershed-Scale View to Fish Passage
Workshop Coordinator:
Michael Love, Michael Love & Associates
Workshop Overview
The workshop focused on restoring fish access to habitat using a holistic approach. Topics discussed included passage design flows and resulting fish migration delay within different regions of California, natural low-flow barriers and triggers to generating migrational behavior, continuity of passage corridors, watershed prioritization of barriers using the passage assessment database, projects that have restored fish access as part of a watershed-wide effort, and monitoring passage effectiveness.
Steelhead Passage versus Migration Streamflows
Bill Trush, Humboldt State University
Spawner Risk Assessment Model to Evaluate Instream Flows for Spawning Success
Gabriel Rossi, McBain & Trush
Fish Passage Design Flows: Resulting Passage Windows and High-Flow Delay in Coastal California
Margaret Lang, HSU and Michael Love, MLA
Tools for Stream Habitat Connectivity Restoration: the Passage Assessment Database and Other Datasets Available on the CalFish Website
Anne Elston, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
The Anadromous Fish Passage Optimization Tool: Using Optimization to Strategically Manage Fish Barrier Remediation in California
Donald Ratcliff, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Potential for Fish Passage Barrier Remediation as Compensatory Mitigation
Jason Q. White, ESA PWA
Hydraulic and Geomorphic Monitoring of a Constructed Roughened Channel To Evaluate Temporal Variation in Fish Passage Ability
Brian Wardman, Northwest Hydraulic
Construction and Monitoring of the Caltrans Santa Paula Creek Rock Weir Fishway
Stan Glowacki, GPA Consulting
City of Goleta: San Jose Creek Flood Control and Fish Passage Project
Steve Wagner, City of Goleta, and Brian Trautwein, Environmental Defense Center
It Takes A Watershed to Restore A Steelhead – Chronicles of Mission Creek, Santa Barbara
George Johnson, Creeks Division, City of Santa Barbara
Carpinteria Creek Steelhead Recovery – Upstream Passage Nearly Complete!
Erin Brown, Project Manager, South Coast Habitat Restoration