19th Annual Coho Confab
Friday, August 26, 2016 to Sunday, August 28, 2016
Salmonid Restoration Federation, in cooperation with Trout Unlimited, Mendocino RCD, The Nature Conservancy, and other non-profits and fisheries agencies, explored coho recovery strategies and techniques during the 19th Annual Coho Confab. The Confab featured tours of largewood placement, water conservation efforts, streambank stabilization, and fish passage projects.
This Confab visited exemplary restoration sites in the Mendocino and Navarro watersheds and was held at the beautiful Jug Handle Creek Farm on the Mendocino Coast.
Listen to Dana Stolzman's interview on KMUD about the 2016 Coho Confab.
Jug Handle Creek Farm
15501 N Highway 1,
, CA
See map: Google Maps