Tuesday July 25: SRRC Dive Training
All first year and tenth year divers are required to participate in the whitewater safety and fish identification training (state and federal government employees are exempted). The training will be at the Forks of Salmon Community Club from 10 a. to 1 pm. Please bring your own lunch. For more information, please visit the Salmon River Restoration Council's website.
Wednesday July 26: Cooperative Salmon River Spring Chinook and Summer Steelhead Dives
Volunteer slots for the dives are limited and experience is preferred so sign up with the Salmon River Restoration Council soon! Please visit the Salmon River Restoration Council's website.
Thursday July 27: Spring-run Chinook Symposium
8:00 am Registration and Hospitality
9:00 am Opening Remarks Joshua Saxon and Leaf Hillman, Tribal Members, Karuk Tribe
9:30 am Spring Chinook Conservation Genetics & Panel Discussion
Part I: The Genetic and Evolutionary Basis of Premature Migration in Steelhead and Chinook, Daniel Prince, PhD Program, Integrative Genetics and Genomics Graduate Group, UC Davis
Part II: Rogue and Salmon River Chinook Provide Insights into the Conservation of Premature Migration, Tasha Thompson, PhD Program, Integrative Genetics and Genomics Graduate Group, UC Davis
Part III: Genetic Surveys Provide Insights into the Restoration Potential of Spring Chinook in the Lower and Upper Klamath Basin, Michael Miller, PhD, Professor of Population and Quantitative Genetics, UC Davis
11:15 am Monitoring and Status of Spring-run Chinook Populations
South Fork Trinity River – Overview and Current Conditions, Josh Smith, Watershed and Fisheries Program Director, Watershed Research and Training Center
Salmon River Spring Chinook - a Community Recovery Effort, Karuna Greenberg, Salmon River Restoration Council
Status of Upper Sacramento River Basin Spring-Run Chinook Salmon Populations in 2016, Matt Johnson, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Limiting Factors for Spring-run Chinook Salmon
Life History and Limiting Factors of Salmon River Spring-run Chinook, Joshua Strange, Sweet River Sciences
Where to Stay Cool in a Warming Climate: Thermal Refugia Status and Trends from the Salmon River's 20-Year Monitoring Program, Eli Asarian, Riverbend Sciences
2:30 pm Implementing Recovery Strategies for Spring-run Chinook
South Fork Trinity River Helicopter Wood Restoration Project, Aaron Martin and DJ Bandrowski, Yurok Tribe
Salmon River Floodplain Habitat Enhancement and Tailing Remediation: Addressing Legacy Impacts of Placer Mining, Jay Stallman, Stillwater Sciences
Implications of Coho Habitat Restoration in the Middle Klamath on Spring Chinook Recovery and Reflections on Upslope Management in the Western Klamath Mountains, Will Harling, Executive Director, Mid Klamath Watershed Council
An Update: Salmon River Spring Run Chinook and Their Relevance to Klamath River Chinook Proliferation through Dam Removal Efforts, Nathaniel Pennington, Eco-Flo, SRRC, Nature Rights Council, Klamath Riverkeeper, and Anna Murviet, Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Friday July 28: Concurrent Field Tours 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Mid Klamath River Restoration and Cool-water Refugia Raft Tour. The Mid Klamath Watershed Council, Salmon River Restoration Council, Karuk Tribe, Klamath Riverkeeper, and Eco- Flo Rafting will offer a class 3 raft trip for all ages and skill levels that will highlight restoration projects and fisheries of the Mid Klamath region. Bring your mask and snorkel because underwater learning is encouraged during this trip. Plan for hands on educational experiences in fish passage, habitat enhancement, invasive plant removal and more while enjoying a great float through the heart of Klamath River country.
Salmon River Floodplain and Fisheries Restoration Tour, Melissa Van Scoyoc and Karuna Greenberg of Salmon River Restoration Council will coordinate visits to upcoming restoration projects, conceptual project types, and vistas. Tour stops will include floodplain and stream rehabilitation sites including large wood loading, floodplain and riparian enhancement, and mine tailing restoration concepts, as well as breathtaking views of spring run habitat. Members of the restoration team will talk about our challenges and successes, our watershed wide floodplain assessment, projects from concept though design and implementation, and our plans for the future.