2018 Large Wood Technical Field School
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 to Wednesday, October 31, 2018
This two-day field school trained forestry and restoration professionals in both engineered and non-engineered large wood augmentation techniques that have been proven effective in restoring stream habitats on the Northern California coast. Participants learned how to effectively design and implement large wood restoration projects by learning how to identify geomorphic conditions of a treatment stream and select appropriate implementation methods to achieve desired results. Each day included classroom lectures, hands-on activities, field demonstrations, project site tours, and ample group discussion.
Hands-on group activities included buoyancy and other engineering computations and the construction of large wood site scenarios in the classroom. Field school contributors provided an on-site overview of heavy equipment implementation techniques. Additional discussion topics during the field school included project site identification, project layout, and design considerations.
The workshop portion of the agenda was held at the Caspar Community Center at 15051 Caspar Road Caspar, California 95420. The afternoons were spent in the field looking at projects.
Presentations are available online and included:
Accelerated Recruitment: Cost-effective Restoration Techniques for Enhancing Instream Habitat in California Coho Streams
Chris Blencowe – Blencowe Watershed Management, Inc.
Selecting and Sourcing Trees for the Accelerated Recruitment Approach
Ken Smith – Pacific Inland, Inc.
Restoring Wood’s Essential Role in Controlling Channel Grade and Stability in Small Streams
Mike Love – Michael Love and Associates, Inc.
How to Keep Your Wood from Floating Downstream: Interactive Computations for Stability of Large Wood Structures
Rachel Shea – Michael Love and Associates, Inc.
30 Years in the Making: California Conservation Corps Instream Large Wood Restoration Techniques
California Conservation Corps
Collaborating with Heavy Equipment Operators to Implement Large Wood Projects
Tom Leroy – Pacific Watershed Associates, Inc.
When is a Large Wood Project a Success?
Margie Caisley, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Please contact info@calsalmon.org if you would like to receive announcements of similar events in the future. Include your name, affiliation, phone, email, and mailing address.
Jug Handle Creek Farm and Caspar Community Center
, CA
See map: Google Maps