Salmonid Restoration Federation
Drought, Fire, and Floods—Can Salmon and the Restoration Field Adapt?
April 23 - 26, 2019
Santa Rosa, California

Let The River Run: Insights into Understanding the Klamath Basin

26 April 2019
9:00am - 12:15pm

Session Coordinators: 
Mike Belchik, Yurok Tribe 
Cynthia Le Doux-Bloom, Hoopa Valley Tribe
Craig Tucker, Karuk Tribe

The session will feature a range of insightful topics, including: (1). Klamath Estuary; (2). Baseline Data Analyses; (3). Application of Tribal Ecological Knowledge; (4). Effectiveness of Restoration Projects; and (5). Pre-dam removal through post-dam removal monitoring.
Presenters will include tribal, agency, and consultant biologists, academics conducting studies in the Klamath Basin, and member of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation.

Overview of the Klamath River Renewal Project
Mark Bransom, Klamath River Renewal Corporation Berkeley, CA  

Pre-Dam Removal Topographic Base-Line Data Collection on the Klamath River – Collaboration in Action
DJ Bandrowski, P.E., Yurok Tribe

Analyses of Ancient and Contemporary Klamath Basin Spring Chinook Provide Insights for the Future
Tasha Thompson, UC Davis, Animal Science Department, Davis, CA

Recolonization Potential for Coho Salmon in California Tributaries to the Klamath River Above Iron Gate Dam
Max Ramos, Humboldt State University, Department of Fisheries, Arcata, CA

Evidence For The Genetic Basis And Inheritance Of Ocean And River-Maturing Ecotypes Of Pacific Lamprey In The Klamath Basin
Keith Parker, Yurok Tribe, Fisheries Department, Klamath, CA

Developing a Comprehensive Restoration Plan for the Scott River - Klamath Basin
Erich Yokel, Scott River Watershed Council