Salmonid Restoration Federation
Reconnecting with Resilience
April 19 - 22, 2022
Santa Cruz, California

Beyond Physical Habitat: the Importance of Prey Availability and Productivity in Recovering Imperiled Salmonid Populations

22 April 2022
9:00am - 5:00pm

Session Coordinator: Robert Lusardi, PhD, UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and California Trout Coldwater Fish Scientist

This session examines the importance of prey to foraging salmonids. Specifically, we are interested in understanding how prey availability may influence the growth and fitness of salmonids and identifying productive ecosystems or habitats that may assist in the recovery of imperiled populations. We are also interested in reconciled ecosystems or highly managed ecosystems that have the ability to improve productivity or prey availability at broader spatial scales and in an overall effort to improve habitat heterogeneity across the landscape.

Session 1: The Importance of Prey Availability 
Putting Fish and Fish Food in the Framework: Using Drift-Foraging Bioenergetics to Make Flow Recommendations, Suzanne Kelson, PhD, University of Nevada, Reno and McBain Associates 
The Effects of Prey Density and Water Velocity on Capture Success of a Juvenile Salmonid, Kwanmok Kim, UC Santa Cruz and NOAA affiliate
Salmonids Return to Montezuma Wetlands after 150 Years: Fish Use and Productivity Trends in a Sediment Beneficial Reuse Restoration Site, Cassie Pinnell and Chris Jasper, Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting
Does “Wilding” Juvenile Chinook Salmon on Agricultural Floodplains Boost Survivorship in California’s Central Valley?, Rachelle Tallman, Graduate Student, UC Davis
How BDAs Change Stream Food Webs: What Stable Isotopes Can Teach Us About Food Webs and Beaver Dam Analogs, Brandi Goss, Graduate Group in Ecology, UC Davis

Response of Coho Salmon Populations to Restoration Actions in the Context of Climate Change and a Multi-year Drought in Northern California, Michael Pollock, NOAA Fisheries

Session 2: Productivity in Recovering Imperiled Salmonid Populations
How Physical Habitat and Prey Abundance Interact to Shape the Growth Opportunities of Salmonids: Examples from Bristol Bay to the Klamath Basin, Jonny Armstrong, PhD, Oregon State University Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Science
Making a Living in a Seasonal Lagoon: Interactions Among Water Temperature, Prey Availability, and Juvenile Salmonid Growth, Rosealea M. Bond, UC Santa Cruz and NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Puddle Power and the Pivot to Process: A Landscape-scale Recipe to Allow the Sacramento Valley to Make Salmon Again, Jacob Katz, PhD, Cal Trout
Coupling Habitat and Prey Supply with Juvenile Chinook Salmon Growth and Production in the San Joaquin River Restoration Project, Steve Blumenshine, PhD, CSU-Fresno CA Water Institute
Defining a Basin-scale Restoration Framework to Recover an Endangered Species. An Optimization-Simulation Approach using a Life Cycle Model, Francisco Bellido-Leiva, PhD, UC Davis
Reconnecting Salmon with the Productive Capacity of Their Watershed, Gabriel Rossi, PhD, UC Berkeley