Floodplains and Functions: From Concept to Creation
Session Chair:
Eric Ginney, Environmental Science Associates
Lauren Hammack, Prunuske Chatham, Inc.
Floodplains exist throughout the landscape and the salmonid populations we are seeking to maintain and recover engage these floodplains across a continuum of time and space. Floodplains near estuaries offer different restoration opportunities than those in headwater meadows, bounded alluvial valleys or bedrock canyons. The science, design criteria and restoration for some of these landscapes is more mature than in others. This session will present key concepts from the perspectives of fisheries biologists, fluvial geomorphologists and others and bring perspectives from the worlds of both science and practical application. Restoration practitioners will present projects and describe how designs were developed that seek to meet the key processes and habitats illustrated by other presenters focusing on the science and what it suggests.
Getting Food Delivered: The Influence of Flows and Floodplains on Coho Salmon Survival and Growth
Eric Ettlinger, Marin Municipal Water District
Floodplain Geomorphology of Green Valley Creek: Legacy Effects of Settlement and Management
Matt O’ Connor, PhD, CEG, O’Connor Environmental, Inc.
Planning for Recovery - Filling the Rearing Habitat Deficit on the Lower American River
Chris Hammersmark, PhD, PE, cbec, inc. eco engineering
Creating Floodplain Habitat in Incised Streams in the North Bay Region, California
Jason White, ESA
Planning, Implementation, and Monitoring of Off-Channel Habitat Enhancement and Floodplain Reconnection in the Dry Creek Habitat Enhancement Project
Neil Lassettre, Sonoma County Water Agency
Floodplains Across Time And Space: One Size Does Not Fit All (Especially On The Yuba River)
Eric Ginney, ESA