Reintroduction of Salmon into their Historic Habitats (Two-Part Session)
Climate change, aging water infrastructure, successive years of drought, and increasing demand for water resources has precipitated strong declines in salmonids throughout California. Compounding this, longitudinal and lateral disconnections from historical spawning and rearing habitat has triggered a loss of salmonid life history diversity, making species less resilient to change. As a result, reintroductions of salmonids to historical habitat has occurred or is proposed as a recovery strategy. Dam removal, trap and haul above high head dams, reintroduction of captive bred animals, and improving lateral connectivity to historical floodplain habitat are proposed methods to improve salmonid life history diversity, abundance, population redundancy and, ultimately, resilience to change. We seek abstracts that examine the methods, science, and policy implications of salmonid reintroductions to historical habitat.
Part I: 9:00am - 12:15pm
A Collaborative Effort to Develop a Pilot Project and Assess the Feasibility of Reintroducing Chinook Salmon above Pardee Reservoir on the Mokelumne River, CA
Reuben Childress, Foothill Conservancy, and Michelle Workman, East Bay Municipal Utility District Fisheries and Wildlife Division
A Plan for Reintroduction of Winter-run Chinook Salmon to Battle Creek
James Lecky, ICF
Techno-Arrogance: Why Trap and Haul Fails to Recover Salmon & Watersheds
Matt Stoecker, Stoecker Ecological
Achieving Reintroduction through the Federal Power Act
Steve Edmondson, NMFS
Salmon in the Sierra: Reintroduction into the North Yuba River
Chris Shutes, California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
Two-Way Trap and Haul as a Conservation Strategy for Anadromous Salmonids
Robert Lusardi, Ph.D., California Trout and University of California Davis
Part II: 1:15pm - 5:00pm
Reconciliation and Reintroduction: A Community and Science-Based Recovery Plan for the Yuba River Watershed
Gary Reedy, South Yuba River Citizens League
Coalition Based Steelhead Recovery Efforts in Southern California – South Coast
Sandra Jacobson, Ph.D., California Trout
Estimating Potential Salmonid Habitat and Carrying Capacity in the Upper Mainstem Eel River, California, USA
Emily Cooper, graduate student Humboldt State University
Salmonid Fish Rescue and Reintroduction Strategies
Michael Dege, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Beyond Boundaries – Restoring Habitat and Building Tribal Capacity in the Headwaters of the Klamath Basin - A Yurok Tribe Story from Limekiln Gulch
David (DJ) Bandrowski, Yurok Tribe
The Persistence and Characteristics of Chinook Salmon Migrations to the Upper Klamath River Prior to Exclusion by Dams
John Hamilton, US Fish and Wildlife Service