Restoring Complexity: Design of Large Wood Structures and Off-Channel Habitats
Workshop Coordinators:
Michael Love, P.E., Michael Love & Associates
Steve Allen, P.E., GHD Inc.
Many of our streams and rivers have become over-simplified through removal of large wood and stream encroachment and confinement, often resulting from pressures to reduce flooding at the expense of biological diversity. This trend commonly results in the disconnection and loss of complex backwater habitats and deep pools that once provided productive nurseries for rearing salmonids. This workshop focuses on developing and constructing projects aimed at restoring geomorphic processes that create and maintain channel complexity while working within current-day constraints. Presentations will describe approaches to identify and characterize site suitability for restoring off-channel habitat and creating high-flow and thermal refugia, available tools and analyses to support design development, use of large wood structures (LWS) to create desired geomorphic responses, approaches to mitigate potential project risks, and engineering and construction techniques for installing LWS and connecting off-channel habitat. The workshop will include instruction on these various topics and presentations of example projects.
Geotechnical Characterization and Construction Techniques for Creating Off-channel Habitats and Post-assisted Wood Structures
Rocco Fiori, Fiori GeoSciences
Constructed Wood Jams and Off-Channel Habitats on the Trinity River, CA
Aaron Martin, DJ Bandrowski, Kyle DeJuilio, and Andreas Krause, Yurok tribe
Installation of LWD from a Contractor’s Perspective
Mark Cederborg, Hanford ARC
LWS Construction Considerations for Publically Bid and Contracted Restoration Projects
Steve Allen, GHD
Integrating Off-channel Estuary Slough Restoration in the Mattole, with Riparian Revegetation and Terrace Margin treatments for Climate Change resiliency
Sungnome Madrone and Drew Barber, Mattole Salmon Group
Jacoby Creek Off-Channel Habitat: Site Characterization, Design, and Construction
Michael Love and Antonio Llanos, Michael Love & Associates
Channel Surfing by Juvenile Salmonids: Fish and Water Quality Responses to Off-channel Habitat Restoration Projects in the Stream-estuary Ecotone of Humboldt Bay
Mike Wallace, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Coho, Cows, and Collaboration: Creating Coho Rearing Habitat in an Anthropogenic Landscape
Charles Wickman, Mid Klamath Watershed Council
Design and Engineering of Off-Channel Habitat and Large Wood Projects
Toz Soto, Karuk Tribe
The Effectiveness of Large Wood Enhancement in Lagunitas Creek over 15 Years
Eric Ettlinger, Marin Municipal Water District
Design and Implementation of Fine Woody Material for Juvenile Salmonid Habitat
Brian Wardman, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants
Models for Cranberry Bog Stream and Wetland Restoration
Caitlin Alcott, Inter-Fluve