Scotts Creek Tour: A Three-Pronged Approach to Coho Recovery
Field Tour Leaders:
Santa Cruz Resource Conservation District
Cal Poly’s Swanton Ranch
Joseph Kiernan, NOAA Fisheries
Scotts Creek is the only watershed south of the Golden Gate Bridge that continues to support all three cohorts of CCC coho. This watershed is critical to coho recovery in the Santa Cruz Mountains Diversity Strata. As coho struggle to keep a foothold south of the Golden Gate, a unique collaboration of scientists, restoration practitioners, geneticists, transportation planners, and farm managers are working in tandem to keep this population from going extinct. The field tour will showcase the three major efforts underway by partners: ecological restoration, monitoring, and hatchery efforts. Tour participants will get an inside view of habitat restoration projects, new science being developed through NOAA's Science Center, and the challenges and achievements of the watershed’s coho recovery hatchery.