Greywater Workshop: Laundry to Landscape
SRF with the support of the Watershed Fund was excited to produce a Greywater Workshop, including example installation with greywater guru, Laura Allen, from 11 am to 3 pm on July 22 in Bayside. This event included presentations on the benefits and nuts and bolts of greywater installation, an overview of California’s plumbing code pertinent to greywater applications, and Humboldt County’s greywater policy. The event also included a demonstration project where participants had a hands-on opportunity to learn about the design elements, plumbing requirements, layout, and actually install a greywater system.
The event also included a book signing of Laura Allen’s new book Greywater, Green Landscape. Laura Allen is one of the founders of Greywater Action — a collaborative of educators who teach residents and tradespeople about affordable and simple household water systems that dramatically reduce water use and foster sustainable cultures of water. Through hands-on workshops and presentations, they have educated thousands of people about greywater system design and construction and they have an excellent track record of working with policymakers and water districts to develop codes and incentives for greywater, rainwater harvesting, and composting toilets. Greywater Action and SRF believe strongly that decentralized conservation measures can play a critical role in drought resilience, climate adaptation, and the return of healthy stream ecosystems.
Photos courtesy Laura Bridy.