Salmonid Restoration Federation
Restoring Watersheds and Rebuilding Salmon Runs
March 29 - April 1, 2017
Davis, California

Fins, Feathers, Farms and Floodplain Fecundity: Multi-Use Floodplain Projects in the Lower Sacramento Valley Tour

30 March 2017
9:00am - 5:00pm

Field Tour Coordinators: 
Jacob Katz, Ph.D., California Trout
Eric Ginney, ESA

Multi-benefit projects are designed to reduce flood risk and enhance fish and wildlife habitat by allowing rivers and floodplains to function more naturally. These projects create additional public benefits such as protecting farms and ranches, improving water quality, increasing groundwater recharge, and providing public recreation opportunities. This tour will visit diverse floodplain projects in Yolo Bypass, Sutter Bypass and the Colusa basin, where farmers, water districts, conservationists and agencies are collaborating to integrate current ecological science into the management of tens of thousands of acres of agricultural floodplain in ways that benefit both fish and people.   Come see how  the same agricultural fields can grow food for people in summer and produce food and habitat for native fish and wildlife in the winter offseason.

Photo by Jacob Katz