Tours at the 40th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Humboldt Bay Estuary Restoration Field Tour
Field Tour Coordinators:
Mike Love, Michael Love & Associates
Bob Pagliuco, NOAA Restoration Center
Habitat Restoration Projects in the Lower Mattole River
Field Tour Coordinator:
Richard Sykes, Mattole Salmon Group

Process-based Restoration & Effectiveness Monitoring in McGarvey Creek
Field Tour Coordinators:
Sarah Beesley, Yurok Tribal Fisheries Department
Rocco Fiori, Fiori GeoSciences

Securing a Stronghold: Different Approaches for Design and Collaborative Process in Prairie Creek and Redwood Creek Restoration Projects
Field Tour Coordinators:
Mary Burke, Cal Trout
Bob Pagliuco, NOAA Restoration Center
Leslie Wolff, NOAA Fisheries
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Securing a Stronghold: Different Approaches for Design and Collaborative Process in Prairie Creek and Redwood Creek Restoration Projects
Field Tour Coordinators:
Mary Burke, Cal Trout
Bob Pagliuco, NOAA Restoration Center
Leslie Wolff, NOAA Fisheries

Changing Tides; Managing CDFW Lands for Marsh, Slough, and Dune Habitat in the Eel River Estuary
Tour Coordinators:
Chris Loomis, CDFW
Allan Renger, CDFW
Alex Blessing, The Wildlands Conservancy
Jeremy Svehla, GHD

A Day in the Van Duzen – A Review of Collaborative Watershed Restoration On Working Lands
Field Tour Coordinators: Anna Halligan, Trout Unlimited, Eel River Watershed Improvement Group; Isaac Mikus, ERWIG; Keith Lackey, Humboldt Redwood Company; Tom Leroy, Pacific Watershed Associates; and Leah Tolley, NOAA Restoration Center