SRF, with the support of California Department of Fish and Wildlife, will host the 2018 Coho Confab at the beautiful Rock Creek Ranch on the South Fork of the Smith River. The pristine Smith River is the largest undammed river in California and is located in the northwest corner of the state in the Siskiyou Mountains. Field tours will include tours of restoration forestry practices, Redwood National Park projects, off-channel habitat, fish passage projects, and large woody debris installations. Participants will have the opportunity to tour stream crossing replacements that range from fish ladders to roughened channels, to stream simulation culverts and bridges. We will offer workshops on underwater fish identification, a river tour of beaver-constructed structures, and engineered log jams in Lower Klamath River tributaries.
More information, including agenda and registration details, will be added to the 2018 Coho Confab webpage.