Salmonid Restoration Federation

July 2024 eNews

In this eNewsletter you will find:
  • 2025 SRF Conference Proposal Solicitation
  • 26th Annual Coho Confab Agenda and Registration
  • Margie Caisley Confab Scholarship
  • Culvert Removal NOFO and Webinar
  • Restoration Job Board
  • Support SRF
  • 30th Annual Salmon River Summer Dives
  • South Fork Smith River Summer Dives
  • Registration Open for BC Salmon Recovery & Resilience Conference
  • Save the Date: River Management Training Symposium

2025 SRF Conference Proposal Solicitation
April 29 - May 2, 2025, Santa Cruz
SRF is happy to announce that the 42nd Annual Conference will be held in Santa Cruz, California on April 29 - May 2, 2025. The Initial Call for Proposals is now open; to submit a proposal for a workshop, session, or field tour, please fill out this form by Monday, August 26. The First Call for Abstracts will be posted in September 2024. Questions can be emailed to

26th Coho Confab Registration Open
September 13 - 15, 2024, Rock Creek Ranch
SRF, with the support of California Department of Fish and Wildlife, will host the 26th Annual Coho Confab at the beautiful Rock Creek Ranch on the South Fork of the Smith River. The pristine Smith River is the largest undammed river in California and located in the northwest corner of the state in the Siskiyou Mountains. Field tours will include exciting projects in Mill Creek, Prairie Creek State Park, Lower Klamath, tributaries to the Smith, and underwater fish ID.

Margie Caisley Confab Scholarship
Originally started in honor of Margie Caisley by a generous donor, SRF is continuing this scholarship for it's third year. Margie was beloved by the restoration community and her many colleagues. This scholarship will provide an aspiring engineer and/or restoration practitioner a full fee waiver to the upcoming Coho Confab. Please fill out this brief request form by August 9.

Notice of Funding Opportunity: Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration 
Webinar, July 11, 1PM
The California Fish Passage Forum, in collaboration with the US Fish & Wildlife Service, and the Federal Highway Administration will host a NOFO webinar to discuss eligible entities and projects, and anticipated funding levels for the Culvert AOP grant program. The program funds projects to replace and remediate culverts and weirs that are barriers to anadromous fish. Eligible recipients include State agencies, units of local government, and Tribes. The deadline for applications is September 23rd, 2024.
Attending the webinar will be a great opportunity to get your questions answered by USFWS Culvert Aquatic Organism Passage Coordinator, Alex Jones. Webinar information and registration available here.

Restoration Job Board
SRF hosts a Job Board on our website to post current positions related to California's fisheries and  watershed restoration field.  Please email to post a job on our webpage.

Support SRF 
You can support SRF by making a donation, becoming a member, or purchasing SRF merchandise

30th Annual Salmon River Summer Cooperative Dives
Forks of Salmon, July 23-24
Join the SRRC for 30th Annual Salmon River Spring Chinook Cooperative Dives. Together, 80 trained divers will swim and count every spring Chinook and summer steelhead in the Salmon River, its forks, and key tributaries. This fun event provides critical information on the health of the river's fishery and trends in salmon populations. Advance registration is required for all participants. 

Smith River Summer Dives
Crescent City, August 2 - 3
The Smith River Alliance invites swimmers and wild fish enthusiasts to participate in this year’s South Fork Smith River Fish Count to track the abundance of Coastal Cutthroat trout. Volunteers will also be on the lookout for the rare summer steelhead, spring Chinook salmon, and other species. More information and RSVP instructions can be found here.

Registration Open for BC Salmon Recovery & Resilience Conference
December 3 - 4, Vancouver
Join Pacific Salmon Foundation for the inaugural B.C. Salmon Recovery & Resilience Conference, at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Registration is now open and you can learn more here.

Save the Date: River Management Training Symposium
April 8-10, 2025, Ashland, OR
Join River Management Society for a week of field sessions, technical training and peer learning in the immediate aftermath of the Klamath dam removal. The call for proposals is open until October 1. Learn more here.