In this eNewsletter you will find:
- SRF Erosion and Sediment Control Field School
- 24th Annual Coho Confab
- Sproul Creek, South Fork Eel Watershed Meeting
- SRF Conference Sessions Online
- 2022 SRF Awards
- California Process-Based Restoration Network's 1st Mtg
- Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation Seeks Fisheries Specialist
- Scott River Watershed Council Seeks New Team Members
- Pacific Watershed Assoc. is Hiring
- SRF Restoration Job Board
- Please Support SRF
June 14-15, 2022 in Trinity County

24th Annual Coho Confab
Sproul Creek, South Fork Eel Watershed Meeting
May 12, 2022, 5:15 pm
SRF Conference Sessions Online
Presentations from the 39th Annual SRF Conference are currently being uploaded. A video of the Plenary Session is viewable online. Slides of workshop and session presentations are on the conference website. Please stay tuned for future uploads.
2022 SRF Awards
California Process-Based Restoration Network's 1st Mtg
Mon, May 9, 2022
The newly launched California Process-Based Restoration Network (Cal PBR) promotes process-based (aka beaver-based, ecological, low-tech, nature-based) restoration approaches to increase the capacity of degraded river and stream ecosystems to retain water, support biodiversity, create fire resiliency, and adapt to climate change. Meeting agenda, sign up, and more info at Cal PBR website.
Tolowa Dee-ni' Nation Seeks Fisheries Specialist
This position collects, compiles, inputs, and manages information and data pertaining to tribal resources, including but not limited to natural, cultural, freshwater and marine resources. This position supports the efforts of numerous departments in carrying out the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation’s management responsibilities of trust and non-trust resources. Full posting here.
SRWC is looking for several new team members to help with the critical work happening in the Scott River Watershed. SRWC is committed to addressing the complex issues around natural resources, all while serving the human and natural communities that call Scott Valley home. More information found here.
PWA is hiring a Project Account Billing Manager, multiple Watershed Staff Scientist/Geologists, and an Engineer.
SRF hosts a Job Board on our website to post current positions related to California's fisheries and watershed restoration field. Please email to post a job on our webpage.
Please join SRF or renew your membership today. Membership includes eligibility to vote in SRF’s annual Board of Directors’ election that will be this May. If you would like to learn more about serving on the SRF Board, please email