In this eNewsletter you will find:
- 2023 SRF Conference Proposal Solicitation
- 24th Annual Coho Confab- Early Registration Ends Aug 15
- SRF Conference Videos Online
- 2022 Erosion and Sediment Control Field School Videos Online
- Please Support SRF
- Restoration Job Board
- WSP Application Extended and Reduced Requirements
- Comment On Petition To List Southern California Steelhead As Endangered
- CDFW Seeking Restoration Projects for CEQA Statutory Exemption
- NOAA Seeking a Civil Engineer
- FEMA's HMA Summer Engagement Series
2023 SRF Conference Proposal Solicitation
SRF is happy to announce that the 40th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference will be held at the Fortuna River Lodge in Fortuna, California. The conference is tentatively scheduled for April 25-28, 2023. The Initial Call for Proposals is now open. To submit a proposal for a workshop, session, or field tour, please email and use this form by August 18. The Call for Abstracts will be posted in September / October.
24th Annual Coho Confab
Early Registration Ends Aug 15

SRF Conference Videos Online
There are videos available to stream online from the 39th Annual SRF Conference including the 2022 Low-tech Process-based Restoration with Beaver and Wood: Jump-Starting Structurally starved Streams Workshop and the Plenary Session. The slide decks from most of the session presentations are also available on the conference website.
2022 Erosion and Sediment Control Field School Videos Online
SRF produced the 2022 Erosion and Sediment Control Field School in Trinity County on June 13-15. This technical field course was part of our Northern California Best Management Practices Education Series funded by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Fisheries Restoration Grant Program. SRF partnered with Pacific Watershed Associates, Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program, and the Watershed Center to produce the curriculum. Video recordings are available to stream here.
Please Support SRF
Please join SRF or renew your membership today. Membership includes Connection to a network of thousands of scientists and practitioners with an interest in California fisheries and watershed restoration.

WSP Application Extended and Reduced Requirements
Due Aug 31, 2022
The Watershed Stewards Program Corpmembers help improve watershed health by actively engaging in restoration science, environmental education, and community service. WSP increased the upper age limit to 32. There is no longer a need for a cover letter and only requires one letter of recommendation. The application website includes a map of available placement sites.
Comment On Petition To List Southern California Steelhead As Endangered
Due Sept 9, 2022
CDFW has initiated a status review for Southern California steelhead and invites data or comments on a petition to list them as an endangered species under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). The listing petition and CDFW’s petition evaluation report are available on the Commission website. Data or comments may be submitted via email to Please include “Southern California Steelhead” in the subject line.
CDFW Seeking Restoration Projects for CEQA Statutory Exemption
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) would like to remind our restoration community that many qualified restoration projects could be exempted from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Senate Bill 155. CDFW’s new Statutory Exemption for Restoration Projects (SERP) can greatly reduce project planning costs and timelines – please email for more information or to schedule a consultation to see if your restoration project qualifies! Visit the this website for more information on CDFW’s Cutting the Green Tape Program and SERP.
NOAA Seeking a Civil Engineer
This NOAA Civil Engineer will be located in either Long Beach, Sacramento, Santa Rosa, or Arcata. This is a non-supervisory position responsible for providing hydrologic and hydraulic engineering expertise to assist the West Coast Region (WCR) in evaluating project designs and implementing upstream and downstream fish passage. Apply here.
FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance Summer Series
Starting Aug. 4, experts and special guests will provide information and insights on the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) programs. There will also be three webinars which provide an overview of the fiscal year 2022 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for BRIC and FMA. Register here.
Restoration Job Board
SRF hosts a Job Board on our website to post current positions related to California's fisheries and watershed restoration field. Please email to post a job on our webpage.