In this eNewsletter you will find:
- 2023 SRF Conference Proposal Solicitation
- 24th Annual Coho Confab Agenda Posted
- SRF Conference Sessions Online
- Please Support SRF
- SRF Restoration Job Board
- NCRP Solicitation for Project Development Technical Assistance
- Mattole Summer Steelhead Dives
- Smith River Dives
- cbec Hiring Multiple Positions
- WSP Application Extended and Reduced Requirements
- CalTrout Seeking Program Manager
2023 SRF Conference Proposal Solicitation
SRF is happy to announce that the 40th Annual Conference will be held in Fortuna. The Initial Call for Proposals is now open; to submit a proposal for a workshop, session, or field tour, please email by August 8. The First Call for Abstracts will be posted in August / September 2022.
24th Annual Coho Confab Agenda Posted

SRF Conference Sessions Online
Presentations from the 39th Annual SRF Conference are uploaded. A video of the Plenary Session is viewable online. Slides of workshops and session presentations are on the conference website.
Please Support SRF
Please join SRF or renew your membership today. Membership includes Connection to a network of thousands of scientists and practitioners with an interest in California fisheries and watershed restoration.

Restoration Job Board
SRF hosts a Job Board on our website to post current positions related to California's fisheries and watershed restoration field. Please email to post a job on our webpage.
NCRP Solicitation for Project Development Technical Assistance
Proposals accepted through July '22
The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is pleased to offer project development technical assistance to Tribes and economically disadvantaged communities to support grant applications for projects that improve forest health; increase wildfire resiliency; address drinking water, watershed & wastewater needs; and help communities & ecosystems adapt to climate change. Specific information is available in the application.
July 8-9, 2022
The Mattole Salmon Group is hosting the 26th Mattole Summer Steelhead Dives. They welcome volunteers of all skill levels wishing to spend a day in the waters of the Mattole, the only requirement is that participants are able to swim and hike 2-4 miles in Class I water to complete a survey reach. More detailed information and an RSVP form is available at this link.
Smith River Dives
The Smith River Alliance (SRA) will host the 2022 Smith River Fish Count which will be held on August 6th with training provided on August 5th. If you are interested in attending, please fill out the RSVP. Read more about the event at the SRA website.
cbec Hiring Multiple Positions
cbec eco engineering has multiple positions for a variety of skill levels for Technicians, Ecoengineers, Ecohydrolists, and Groundwater Hydrologists. For specifics, look at the cbec careers page.
WSP Application Extended and Reduced Requirements
Due Aug 31, 2022
The Watershed Stewards Program Corpmembers help improve watershed health by actively engaging in restoration science, environmental education, and community service. WSP increased the upper age limit to 32. There is no longer a need for a cover letter and only requires one letter of recommendation. The application website includes a map of available placement sites.
California Trout seeks to employ a Project Manager in the field of natural resource management to manage the daily activities of restoration projects and initiatives in the North Coast region. More information can be found here.