In this eNewsletter you will find:
- 24th Annual Coho Confab
- SRF Conference Sessions Online
- SRF Restoration Job Board
- Please Support SRF
- Hydrologic Science and Indigenous Voices Series
- Online Redwood Creek, SF Eel Public Meeting hosted by CDFW
- Mattole Summer Steelhead Dives
- TU Seeks Conservation Hydrology Intern
- CDFW Seeks Cannabis and Instream Flow Monitoring Specialist

Salmonid Restoration Federation hosted an Erosion and Sediment Control Field School. This technical field course is part of our Northern California Best Management Practices Education Series funded by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Fisheries Restoration Grant Program. SRF partnered with Pacific Watershed Associates, Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program, and the Watershed Center to offer a technical workshop and field tour curriculum in Trinity County. Presentation slides are available along with more information about the field school here.
SRF Conference Sessions Online
Presentations from the 39th Annual SRF Conference are uploaded. A video of the Plenary Session is viewable online. Slides of workshops and session presentations are on the conference website.
Please Support SRF
Please join SRF or renew your membership today. Membership includes Connection to a network of thousands of scientists and practitioners with an interest in California fisheries and watershed restoration.

Online Redwood Creek, SF Eel Public Meeting hosted by CDFW
June 28, 2022, 11:00 am
A public informational meeting will be held online to present two reports: Watershed-Wide Instream Flow Criteria for the South Fork Eel River and Instream Flow Evaluation: Juvenile Steelhead and Coho Salmon Rearing on Redwood Creek, Humboldt County. These technical reports address study components and present flow criteria for the South Fork Eel River watershed as part of the Department’s activities under the California Water Action Plan. Following this meeting, both reports will be available on this web page.
The full public informational meeting notification may be accessed here.
Mattole Summer Steelhead Dives
July 8-9, 2022
The Mattole Salmon Group is hosting the 26th Mattole Summer Steelhead Dives. They welcome volunteers of all skill levels wishing to spend a day in the waters of the Mattole, the only requirement is that participants are able to swim and hike 2-4 miles in Class I water to complete a survey reach. More detailed information and an RSVP form is available at this link.
The Trout Unlimited Conservation Hydrology Intern will work as a team member of the Conservation Hydrology Program. The intern will conduct frequent field streamflow monitoring trips and assist with data entry and analysis. Learn more here.
Do you enjoy fieldwork in beautiful stream-side locations, and also have the ability to wrangle, manage and analyze large multivariate datasets? Would you like to work in a program that has direct conservation benefits and works towards solving important natural science challenges facing California? Join the California Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Statewide Team (CEMAST).
SRF hosts a Job Board on our website to post current positions related to California's fisheries and watershed restoration field. Please email to post a job on our webpage.