September 2022
In this eNewsletter you will find:
- Margie Caisley Confab Scholarship
- Margie Caisley Conservation Engineering Endowment
- 24th Annual Coho Confab
- SRF Call for 2023 Session Proposals
- First Call for 2023 SRF Conference Abstracts
- California Process-Based Restoration Training
- Klamath Dam Removal Jobs with RES
- California Coastal Clean-up Day
- CDFW Seeking Restoration Projects for CEQA Statutory Exemption
- California Coastal Commission seeking Coastal Resiliency Supervisor
First Call for 2023 SRF Conference Abstracts
Presenter Abstracts Due November 8, 2022
The 40th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference will be held in Fortuna, California from April 25-28, 2022. Please visit our website to see the First Call for Presentation Abstracts.
Please note that the agenda evolves and the Second Call for Abstracts will include additional concurrent sessions and the proposed field tours. Workshop, tour, and session descriptions will be online shortly. Early abstract submission helps SRF determine which sessions and workshops will be in the final agenda.
SRF’s Call for Abstracts is highly competitive and not all abstracts can be accepted. Presentations that have not been given before at our conference will have priority.
To submit an abstract, please review our submission guidelines. Please fill out this form, then email your abstract to Receipt of your submission will be acknowledged by email and forwarded to the correct session chair.
SRF Call for Session Proposals
SRF has posted the First Call for Abstracts but we are still accepting session proposals through September 15. Please email a session title and brief description. Please also use the proposal submittal form which helps us track received proposals.
24th Annual Coho Confab
September 9 - 11, 2022, South Fork Eel River
Join SRF, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Eel River Watershed Improvement Group, Cal Trout, Eel River Critical Observatory, Pacific Watershed Associates, Trout Unlimited, and other restoration partners in this exciting Confab on the banks of the South Fork Eel River. This Confab will feature fish passage projects, upslope sediment remediation, large wood projects, and a suite of other techniques that are implemented or are being planned in this critical watershed. Camping is included and there are limited rustic tent cabins available at an extra cost. The agenda and registration are found here.
Registration closes September 6.
Margie Caisley Conservation Engineering Endowment
Margie Caisley, Senior Hydraulic Engineer with CDFW, passed away earlier this summer. Margie was someone who often presented at the SRF Conference and always made herself available to project planners and engineers.
In recognition of Margie's many gifts to us in the conservation and restoration community, her colleagues have honored her with the creation of a scholarship for students and/or early career professionals to help further their academic or professional growth in Margie's area of practice — The Marjorie Caisley Conservation Engineering Scholarship for Women.
The structure of the scholarship will reflect the interdisciplinary creativity that was the hallmark of Margie's contribution to this corner of the engineering discipline and will ultimately be guided by Margie’s colleagues as these fundraising efforts unfold.
This endowment will be administered at Cal Poly Humboldt. Stay tuned for more details.
Margie Caisley Confab Scholarship
A generous donor has offered a scholarship for the upcoming Coho Confab in Margie Caisley’s name. Margie was beloved by the restoration community and her many colleagues. Her motto was, “Go Big or Go Home.” This scholarship award is going to a worthy recipient.
California Process-Based Restoration Training
California Process-Based Restoration Network is excited to present its first-ever hands-on process-based restoration training. Get ready to jump in and get wet and dirty in beautiful Yellow Creek near Lake Almanor in Plumas County! September 23, 2022, 9 am – 12 pm—Introduction and Q&A (Zoom meeting). September 29, 30, and October 1, 2022—3 days of tours and fieldwork in Yellow Creek.
Klamath Dam Removal Jobs
RES is excited to have a number of positions posted on their job site for the Klamath River Renewal Project as they mobilize towards implementing the restoration element of the project. Positions include fisheries biologist, fluvial geomorphologist, wildlife biologist, bat biologist, with more posting in the weeks ahead. See all the Klamath positions here.
California Coastal Clean-up Day
September 17, 2022
California Coastal Cleanup Day 2022 will take place in person at hundreds of sites across California. Please refer to the map to find a participating event or learn how to participate on your own.
CDFW Seeking Restoration Projects for CEQA Statutory Exemption
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) would like to remind our restoration community that many qualified restoration projects could be exempted from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Senate Bill 155. CDFW’s new Statutory Exemption for Restoration Projects (SERP) can greatly reduce project planning costs and timelines – please email for more information or to schedule a consultation to see if your restoration project qualifies! Visit this website for more information on CDFW’s Cutting the Green Tape Program and SERP.
Coastal Resiliency Supervisor
The California Coastal Commission is offering an exciting opportunity to coordinate the agency’s coastal resiliency efforts on California’s vibrant North Coast. The North Coast District Office is responsible for carrying out requirements of the California Coastal Act in 10 coastal jurisdictions. Learn more here.
Restoration Job Board
SRF hosts a Job Board on our website to post current positions related to California's fisheries and watershed restoration field. Please email to post a job on our webpage.
Please Support SRF
Please join SRF or renew your membership today. Membership includes Connection to a network of thousands of scientists and practitioners with an interest in California fisheries and watershed restoration.
Visit our merchandise page to see SRF's full line of Ray Troll t-shirts, hoodies, and baseball caps.