Initial Statement of Diversion and Use FAQs
Who needs to fill out a Statement of Water Diversion and Use?
Who does not need to report?
What form do I fill out?
When do I file?
What if I have more than one diversion – i.e., a creek pump and a well?
I lease my property. Who is responsible for filing the Statement forms – me, or my landlord?
What if I have a Small Domestic Use Registration for my property?
For Box 1, “Type of Claim,” what kind of water right should I say I’m claiming?
For Box 3, how do I find the coordinates of my point of diversion?
For Box 3, how do I find a public land description for my property (township, and section info)?
For Box 4, what is the easiest way of generating a map of my property?
For Boxes 6 – 10, do I have to actually measure my rate of diversion and monthly amount of diversion?