Klamath Fish Passage Summit
Reconnecting the Klamath — Honoring Communities and Culture
Thursday, October 13
8am - Regsitration
9am - 12pm - Plenary Session
Invocation and Welcome
Russell “Buster” Attebery, Karuk Tribal Council Chairman
Russell “Buster” Attebery, Karuk Tribal Council Chairman
Troy Hockaday, Karuk Council Member
Opening Remarks — Klamath Fish Passage Summit
Alicia Marrs, Coordinator, California Fish Passage Forum
What Klamath Dam Removal Means to the Yurok Tribe
Frankie Myers, Vice-Chairman, Yurok tribal member
Honoring the People and Place that led to this Historic Dam Removal Being Possible; a Retrospective
Mike Belchik, Senior Water Policy Analyst, Yurok Tribe
Klamath Dam Removals Latest and Greatest: Status, Milestones, and Schedule
Mark Bransom, Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Klamath Reservoir Reach Restoration Plan: Assessing Habitat Conditions and Prioritizing Restoration Post-Dam Removal
Bob Pagliuco, Marine Habitat Resource Specialist, NOAA Fisheries Restoration Center
10:15 - 10:25: Short Break
10:15 - 10:25: Short Break
Klamath Dam Removal: The Use of Multiple Tools to Establish a Scientific Baseline
Robert Lusardi, PhD, UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and Cal Trout; and Rachelle Tallman, UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences
Traditional Use of Fire in the Klamath — the Relationship between Fire and Fish
Bill Tripp, Eco-Cultural Restoration Specialist, Karuk Tribe, Department of Natural Resources,
Dam Removal and Cultural Transition
Wendy Poppy Ferris-George, Hoopa tribal member, Board of Director of the Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Reimagining Climate and Environmental Justice in the Klamath Dam Removal Process
Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy (Hupa, Karuk, Yurok, enrolled Hoopa Valley Tribe), Department Chair, Native American Studies, Cal Poly Humboldt and author of We Are Dancing For You
12pm - 1pm- Lunch Break
1pm- 5pm - Afternoon Tours
- Iron Gate Dam Tour
- French Creek Tour
- Cardoza Fish Passage Restoration Project on the Shasta River
6PM: Dinner and Evening Film Showing at the Kahtishraam Wellness Center
The Lost Salmon, Shane Anderson
Introduction by Ron Reed, Karuk Tribe
Introduction by Ron Reed, Karuk Tribe
Traditional salmon preparation with Ron Reed.
Friday, October 14
8am- Registration and Sandwich bar
9am - 5pm - All-day Tours
- Reservoir Reach Tour
- Mid Klamath Tour
- Scott River Tour