8th Spring-run Chinook Symposium
The 8th Spring-run Chinook Symposium highlighted recent restoration efforts in Butte and Battle Creek, instream flow planning in Deer and Antelope Creek, regional status reports on Spring-run populations, genetics, FERC relicensing, climate variability, and population trend monitoring. Field tours included visits to the legendary spawning grounds in Butte Creek and projects in critical creeks including Mill, Deer, and Antelope Creek that have been prioritized for instream flow enhancement and fish passage projects. The first day was a full-day symposium at the Masonic Family Center in Chico, CA followed by full-day field tours.
Spring-Run Chinook Information In The News
"Spring-Run Chinook Salmon: Why They Fail to Recover" by Tom Cannon for the California Fisheries Blog
"Fish Update: Threatened Spring-Run Chinook are Ready to be Counted" by Heather Hacking for the Chico Enterprise-Record