Salmonid Restoration Federation


Water Conservation for Stream Augmentation in Coastal Streams — Finding Water to Support Steelhead Trout

Field Tour Coordinators: Steph Wald, Central Coast Salmon Enhancement, Meredith Hardy, California Conservation Corps, and Freddy Otte, City of SLO

Rainwater catchment, peak flow-capture, and offstream storage are just coming online in San Luis Obispo County. This field tour will visit three projects: a completed rainwater capture project on the campus of Cal Poly University, a project in the planning stages to repurpose an unused reservoir owned by the City of San Luis Obispo, and an off-stream storage project to support instream flows in Santa Rosa Creek near Cambria which is in the conceptual planning phase.

The Status of Fish Passage Assessments and Barrier Remediation for Steelhead

Field Tour Coordinators: Ross Taylor, Ross Taylor and Associates, and Tim Robinson, Cachuma Operations Maintenance Board

This combined workshop and field tour will present information regarding efforts to assess, prioritize, and treat migration barriers to steelhead in California watersheds. Presentations will provide an overview of assessment methodologies, extent of completed assessments, data gaps, completed and ongoing projects, and project monitoring. Prior to departing on a field tour to observe fish passage projects in the Santa Ynez watershed, a brief presentation will provide attendees with an overview of the tour, including pre-project conditions, site-specific constraints, post-project conditions, lessons learned, and effectiveness monitoring results.