Salmonid Restoration Federation


Check out this video from the Mendocino County Resource Conservation Distract that highlights best practices for rural road construction and maintenance. Its production was made possible by the California State Water Resources Control Board and was co-produced by Pacific Watershed Associates.
Check out this video produced by Napa RCD with the UCCE that discusses road storm-proofing techniques for landowners as well as ways to reduce diversion and plug potential at culverted stream crossings.  You can find the link on the Napa RCD webpage along with some other fun videos.
El Libro Verde Manual de Caminos Forestales y Rurales: Una guía para planificar, diseñar, construir, reconstruir, mejorar, mantener y cerrar caminos forestales, preparado por Pacific Watershed Associates para El Distrito de Conservación de Recursos del Condado de Mendocino.
*California Salmonid Stream Habitat Manual: Part X, Upslope Inventory and Sediment Control Guidance, Pacific Watershed Associates in partnership with California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Designing Watercourse Crossings for Passage of 100-Year Flood Flows, Wood, and Sediment (Updated 2017), State of California California Natural Resources Agency Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
*the full version of the manual can be accessed here