The Draft Curriculum for the Fish Passage and Engineering Field School is:
Aquatic species and stream crossings:
Ecological continuity of stream channels & Impacts of fragmenting populations
Overview of aquatic species of concern in California’s coastal streams
Characteristics of instream structures that create fish migration barriers
Fish swimming abilities and requirements
Ranking and prioritization of barriers for treatments
Reasons for implementing fish passage projects
Overview of Channel Morphology - Stream Crossing Interactions:
Causes and impacts of channel incision and aggradation
Channel instability and channel evolution
Interaction of stream crossings with channels
Causes of perched culverts; plunge pool vs. incision
Class exercise - profile interpretation
Pre-design & Project Layout:
Spectrum of fish passage approaches
Hydraulic verses Geomorphic design approaches
Range of ecological benefits
Project alignment and project profile
Determining Vertical Adjustment Profiles (VAP)
Headcut considerations
Selecting a design approach
Class exercise - setting VAP profiles
NOAA Fisheries and CDFG Fish Passage Design Guidance and Project Review Requirements:
Overview of fish passage design guidelines
FEMA and funding replacements for fish passage
Project Specific Requirements Submittal Checklist
Design Plan Criteria requirements in the Fisheries Restoration Grants Program (FRGP)
Geomorphic Based Designs:
Overarching principles of stream simulation
Stream simulation design process
Reference reach
Bed design – bed materials and shape
Structure sizing
Stability/mobility analysis: Models, design flows, bed mobility, bed stability, flood capacity
Low-slope design process
Construction techniques
Class exercise - develop stream simulation design for existing site
Profile Control Techniques:
Geomorphic based (nature-like) approaches to profile control
Basis of approach
Types of roughened channels and applications
Design process
Drop structures
Types (boulder, log, concrete, sheetpile weirs)
Shape, spacing, slope, and stability
Design Process
Construction techniques
Class exercise - setting design profile
Hydraulic Designs using Baffles and Fishways:
Design criteria and fish behavior
Use of baffles
Design and analysis procedures
Fishway types, applications, layouts
The Do’s and Dont’s
Monitoring and Adaptation
What questions should monitoring answer?
Monitoring techniques
Examples from previous fish passage monitoring
Monitoring and Success Stories
Local Case Studies
Engineering Practicum
Work through stream simulation design development
Roughened channel design development
Lay out chutes-and-pools roughened channel
Size ESM for stability
Analyze hydraulics for fish passage